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Life in the Theatre

If you fail, do not dwell. January 27, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — wearethespians @ 8:59 pm

Failure is an option, but never a final answer.

Failure is an option, but never a final answer.

          Failure is a part of life. At least that is what everybody says. The truth is that no one likes to fail. Over time the concept may become easier to accept, but the feeling of the impact that failure has on us never does.

            I HATE failing. I always have, and I always will. But I don’t let it stop me. It is part of life, and when working in the theatre it happens often. The word “failure” takes on a softer meaning when you put it to use in the theatre. It becomes a concept of “trial and error”. With acting you cannot be afraid to take a risk while developing your character. Sure, it may not work, but at least you tried. I am fairly new to acting, so the idea of putting myself out in the open for others to judge still frightens me. Luckily with the last play I was in being reserved wasn’t an option. My director forced all of us to step up and take big risks. I’m thankful that she did. It made the play better, and I feel more secure in what I do while acting.

            Failing is never easy nor is it fun. If you do fail, don’t dwell. Pick yourself back up, and try again because the only one who is going to stop you from succeeding is yourself. There is always another route to success. You just have to be willing to find it.


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